Playing Ep 16



In the center of this tale is a determined young entrepreneur who has overcome her humble roots to create a flourishing beauty brand. Her journey to success isn't one she's undertaken alone; by her side are two pillars of support – her loyal female best friend and a male confidant who've both been instrumental in her rise.

Just as she's poised for further expansion, a wealthy young investor from across the borders makes an entrance. He seems to be the answer to her aspirations, offering the financial injection her company needs. However, this investor isn't just any suave businessman; he has a past entanglement with her close female friend, which was marked by romantic betrayal. His reputation as a charmer precedes him, yet his allure seems to be pulling our heroine into his orbit.

Complicating matters further, the investor doesn't come alone. Accompanying him is an 'aunt' figure, and together they appear to harbor ulterior motives. Their actions suggest a ploy much darker than mere investment – a clandestine scheme that threatens to wrest control of her business from her grasp. As emotional and corporate entanglements intertwine, the entrepreneur must navigate treacherous waters to protect her empire and her heart from those who seem intent on her undoing.

Episode Name Date Added
Episode 01 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 02 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 03 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 04 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 05 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 06 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 07 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 08 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 09 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 10 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 11 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 12 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 13 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 14 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 15 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 16 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 17 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 18 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 19 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 20 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 21 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 22 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 23 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 24 Apr 20, 2024
Episode 25END Apr 20, 2024

What people are saying

  • slowliu39

    Overall 10

    Story 10Acting 10Music 9Rewatch Value 7

    Exciting and Unpredictable! This TV series delivers an unexpected and satisfying conclusion that is sure to leave viewers on the edge of their seats. While it may have been slightly drawn out at times, this is a characteristic often associated with this particular genre. If you prefer a more logical and subdued storyline, then perhaps this series is not for you. What sets this show apart is its refusal to follow the typical cliches found in similar shows. Rather than rewarding the antagonists with unwarranted...

    happy endings, this series takes a refreshing approach by serving them a taste of justice. This departure from the usual narrative tropes adds a layer of depth and excitement that is both engaging and memorable. Overall, this series earns a solid recommendation from me, thanks to its bold and daring conclusion.

  • dulllim22

    Overall 5

    Story 4Acting 7Music 4Rewatch Value 2

    This series really tried to pack a lot into its runtime, but it ended up dragging on for way too long. The main storyline had potential, but it shouldn't have been stretched out over so many episodes, especially without any compelling subplots to break it up. It felt like there was a missed opportunity for more complexity and conflict, particularly involving the female characters who were underutilized.

    One frustrating aspect was how the character May was treated as just another conquest, with her best friend marrying...

    the guy she had feelings for without much acknowledgment of May's emotions. The lack of proper resolution for this storyline highlighted the overall lack of depth and conflict in the series. The character Jen was a standout for me, as her motivations and actions were often unclear, leaving me wondering what her true intentions were.

    The character Mew's presence also felt confusing, as his role in the story seemed unclear and his acting left much to be desired. The motivations of many of the characters remained muddled throughout the series, leaving the viewer feeling lost and disconnected from their journeys.

    One particular plotline that fell flat was the sudden shift from cheating to marriage fraud, which felt rushed and poorly developed. The inconsistencies in the storyline, such as the forgotten plotlines and abrupt changes in character arcs, detracted from the overall viewing experience.

    Despite some enjoyable moments, the series ultimately missed the mark for me. The lack of engaging storytelling and character development left me feeling bored and, upon reflection, somewhat frustrated with the missed opportunities in the series.